While I was judge of Ohio’s 8th District Court of Appeals, I noticed a profound and troubling loss of confidence and trust in our public and private institutions. This Blog is a small, but hopefully not insignificant attempt to help restore confidence in our governments and in our private institutions by highlighting our Ohio public-private good news – projects, proposed projects and innovative finance mechanisms that grow Ohio. Public-private jobs, housing and economic development legal trends and analysis are also included.
Good news is good news regardless of who writes the blog article or who was involved in creating the good news. It is my hope that non-Taft lawyers, bankers and public and private persons can and will help share good news that affect all of us as Ohioans. We will give authors and their employers full credit. We give special thanks to people working in the trenches to make Ohio better. We are indeed in this together.
/s/ Ray
Former Judge Ray Headen
8th District Court of Appeals
Sole special counsel to the Ohio Attorney General in the original publishing of the Ohio Economic Development Manual