Photo of Raymond Headen

Former Ohio appellate court judge Ray Headen is a trusted advisor, counsellor, and advocate to public and private clients and communities throughout Ohio. He solves client issues and problems with the meticulousness of an appellate judge and bond counsel.

In October, Ohio Treasurer of State Robert Sprague announced a new program called the Ohio Gains. This initiative is aimed at putting the state treasury’s balance sheet to work for Ohioans. The proposal centers around three new investment reforms that will help bolster support for the state’s agriculture community, health systems, and institutions of higher education.

Legislation authorizing Ohio Gains is expected to be introduced in the Ohio Senate by Senators Michael Rulli and Jerry Cirino and in the
Continue Reading Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague Announces Ohio Gains Initiative

On November 10, 2021, the IRS released Rev. Proc. 2021-45 setting forth calendar year 2022 methodologies for establishing private activity bonds volume cap (state ceiling) as well as brokerage commissions on guaranteed investment contracts or investments purchased for a yield restricted defeasance escrows, such as those often used in housing and other community-oriented private activity bonds.

For calendar year 2022, the amounts used under § 146(d) of the Internal Revenue Code to calculate the state ceiling for the volume cap
Continue Reading IRS Sets Releases New Rules For Private Activity Municipal Bonds

A team of six co-chairs, representing local leaders in the labor, business, faith, and community sectors, will lead the Transition CLE process. The co-chairs represent a diverse and dynamic team, and we are grateful to be guided by this cross-section of leaders:

  • Darrell McNair, President & Chief Executive Officer, MVP Plastics Corporation
  • Erika Anthony, Executive Director, Ohio Transformation Fund
  • John Ryan, Former labor and nonprofit leader
  • Phyllis “Seven” Harris, Executive Director, LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland
  • Paul Clark

Continue Reading Mayor Elect Justin Bibb Announces Co-Chairs of Transition Team

The new Stark County Manufacturing Workforce Development Partnership was created to spread valuable information about the manufacturing industry (and opportunities within it) for future workers. Twenty-four of Stark County’s more than five hundred manufacturers have already joined the organization, which aims to give its members the chance to actively participate in developing a qualified workforce.
Continue Reading Canton Manufacturers Form Workforce Partnership

Cedar Fair is teaming up with Esports Development Co. to expand Cedar Point Sports Center by means of a new $28 million arena. While sports would be the focus of the project, the venue could also be used for concerts, educational programs, and other events. The space will include seating for approximately 1,500 fans. The project is still in the early planning phases, but Cedar Fair hopes to open the facility in 2023.
Continue Reading Cedar Fair Considers Adding an Esports Arena in Sandusky

Case Western Reserve University and MetroHealth are extending their education and research partnership through June 30, 2031. The partnership is notable for the clinical learning opportunities the partnership offers to medical students. The renewal focuses on further developing education programs, and research projects.
Continue Reading CWRU and MetroHealth Extend Their Affiliation Through 2031

Raymond C. Headen will be appearing with a panel of national experts, including JobsOhio General Counsel Don Grubbs, for two economic development and public finance seminars to be released in mid-September 2021. For those who are lawyers, you can receive 1 hr. CLE credit.

Economic Development Law and Regulation – Land Use Planning and Corporate Site Location

  • What role does land use planning play in the corporate site location process?
  • How can land use master plans simplify the corporate site

Continue Reading Taft Attorney Raymond C. Headen to appear in National Economic Development and Public Finance Seminar – Filming Dates in August 2021 and Program Release Dates in September 2021

The State of Ohio’s recently enacted budget bill includes economic development appropriations for Ohio Department of Development new and/or continuing programs.

Some of the major benefits of these appropriations are as follows:

  1. Broadband: The language in the budget bill strips out the Senate’s proposed limits on existing and future municipal broadband networks. $230 million is appropriated in SFY 2022 and $20 million is appropriated in SFY 2023 new broadband expansion.
  2. Ohio Rural Industrial Park Loan Program: The budget

Continue Reading H.B. 110 Appropriation Items for Local Economic Development

H.B. 110 – Ohio’s recently enacted budget bill – has changed the definition of “Public Infrastructure Improvement” in R.C, 5709.40(A) to add language which will now permit off-street parking facilities to be financed with PILOTs, including those off-street parking facilities in which all or a portion of the parking spaces are reserved, i.e. non-public, when such reserved use is determined to be necessary for economic development purposes.

H.B. 110 also enacts new R.C. 5713.083 which require owners of exempt property
Continue Reading H.B. 110 (Budget) Bill Highlights: New Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Law Changes

In addition to the Brownfield Remediation Grant Program, H.B. 110 also creates within Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) a new grant program (new R.C. 122.6512) that covers up to 75% of a project’s total cost to demolish commercial and residential buildings and revitalization of surrounding non-brownfield properties. The new grant program is called the Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program. H.B. 110 provides that the Ohio Department of Development will determine eligibility for the new program via administrative rule. The
Continue Reading H.B. 110 (Budget) Bill Highlights: New Grant Program to Help Building Demolition and Site Revitalization